13 Years of Marriage...
To be very honest, I forgot! I knew it was coming, but did not give it a second thought about what day it was. To be even more honest; my wonderful, sweet, kind, caring, sacrificial,and most favorite sister-in-law, Amanda, had offered to keep the kids for the day, and overnight, so that I could do some work around the house, which is out of control.
Then I get a phone call. "Happy Anniversary", says Cleyo.
Oh-no, I was so excited about a day of quietness, and NO interruptions, that my Anniversary was not even important to me. So, feeling guilty, I decided to make Cleyo's favorite meal;
Manacoti, salad, garlic toast, apple pie, with some wine.
Then I realize, I do not have any cottage cheese for the Manicotti, so I call my neighbors, nobody has it. And not wanting to make trip into town, I call a friend in Versailles (Kelly V), because maybe she had to go to Greenville today, (I thought I would take a chance), she had no reason to leave the house, but that sweet woman had 2 containers of cottage cheese, and drove all the way to my house to give them to me (THANK YOU KELLY).
I love my God-given purpose in life, being a mom and a wife, but I do need to have days of quietness like these more often. I feel like I am always in total chaos mode, so yesterday was a blessing to be able to not feel pressure, or having this or that, thrown at me. I would like to say that I was able to move quickly and get many things done, but with my knee injury, moving quickly is not even an option. But the quietness and peace in the house, OH MY! That was awesome! I am so thankful for Amanda, she has 5 kids of her own, and was willing to take all 8 of mine, without a hesitation! I do not have family around that I can ask to watch the kids so that I can get a break, and with 8 kids, I do not like to burden others with my responsibilities, so THANK YOU AMANDA FOR THIS MUCH NEEDED BREAK!
Dinner last night was sweet, we sat in the quiet darkness, eating and talking. The talk was also needed, as Cleyo was able to open up to me about some struggles he has had lately, and why he believes he is struggling. I do not know if I will ever want to leave the house again for a date night, it was awesome to just be at home, in quietness, with my husband. Also, we never have anything to talk about in a restaurant, maybe the home atmosphere, allows us to open up easier with each other, and maybe at a restaurant, we feel like we need to perform.
I praise God for Cleyo. He is a man of integrity, he is honest, he loves me, he loves his children, he works hard to provide for his family, and most importantly, he loves God, and out of his love for God, Cleyo tries to be a man of God. I am sooo thankful, and I praise God that Cleyo is mine!
I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen and to protect this marriage. I pray that God will guide Cleyo with the struggles he is having. I pray that I will be a respectful wife, and that I can be an encouraging wife. I pray that God will give me wisdom in quietness, as a wife.
Honesty & Children...
Last night, I took Sheldon & Grace, to a store to buy something with some money they have earned, and have been saving. Within the first 10 minutes, a clothing rack that was 75% off, caught my eyes, as I am searching through for a good bargain, Sheldon says to me: "Why are you looking at clothes? Your dressers are full, and you do not need any more, besides, you don't even wear most of them!" OUCH! (Within 30 seconds we were walking away from that rack.)
I then admit to Sheldon that he is correct, that I needed to be more disciplined with what I eat, so that I can wear what I have.
I have been extremely undisciplined in all aspects of health lately, from not getting in my morning exercise (which I love, and keeps me invigorated for the day), not eating healthy (soothing emotions with feel good foods, that soothe emotions, instead of nourishing my body, and giving my daily stresses over to God), to, not even taking my vitamins (which anyone who knows me, knows that I am a vitamin freak!).
I have not been treating my fleshly temple in a way that is honoring to God.
Lord, please help me to live minute by minute, in a way that Glorifies You. Give me strength to overcome.
Whether I eat or drink, or whatever I do, help me to do all to the Glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31
Counted Righteous In Christ by Piper
I am a dummy when it comes the internet, so most of you are probably, like, DUH!
But, I thought it was nice that I could read it and not have to buy it!
This is just for anyone who did not know, or if you are interested.
Rain covered ice = pain...
For 3 days I am not allowed on my feet or taking care of children, 2-6 weeks of recovery, crutches, and a leg brace. This was not exactly in my plans :}
All because I was carrying 2 puppies outside to go potty. I did see the freezing rain, and as I very slowly put my right foot out to go down the steps, I just completely wiped out, with my left leg bent behind me, continuing to slide, puppies still in hand. As I sat on the sheet of ice, with my knee twisted in the wrong position, in pain and not able to move, I yell for help, but who is going to hear me? Then I see Daniel dancing around in the front living room, I yell but he still can not hear me, so I decide to drag myself up the sheet of ice, back on to the front porch. After I finally get up there, I am able to get Daniel's attention, I tell him go get daddy. He leaves and comes back a couple minutes later, and says daddy won't come. So I tell Daniel, tell daddy, mommy is hurt and I need help. Finally Cleyo comes to help. Cleyo tells me that the first time Daniel came, he told him to go play. This a normal response to Daniel because he is constantly pulling at us to do things for him.
I was able to walk to the back room, but Cleyo being the professional football watcher that he is, tells me that I need to go to the hospital, because the pain can get worse. He was right. It did! And if I would not have heard the doctor warn me about how much worse it can get, I probably would have injured myself further by pushing myself beyond my pain. The hospital was very busy, ambulances were one right after another, lot's of falls, broken bones, and head injuries. I am just thankful that nothing broke, and I am trying my hardest to stay off my feet.
Someday soon.....I hope
6 Aspects of Humility by John Piper
If we are to be like Christ, then where is our love for others?
Ephesians 5:1-2 'Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.'
Recent conversations, have me frustrated right now, with 'Christ Claimers', who put laws and stipulations on people of this world, at the same time forgetting what Christ has done for them. John 3:16
What purpose do rules and regulations serve, while trying to lead an unbeliever to Christ?
John Piper;
If humility is not compliance with relativism and is not sophomoric skepticism, what is it? This is important, since the Bible says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5), and “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:11). God has told us at least six things about humility.
1. Humility begins with a sense of subordination to God in Christ.
A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. (Matthew 10:24)
Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God. (1 Peter 5:6)
2. Humility does not feel a right to better treatment than Jesus got.
If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household! (Matthew 10:25)
Therefore humility does not return evil for evil. It is not life based on its perceived rights.
Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps; . . . while suffering, He uttered no threats, but handed [his cause] over to Him who judges righteously. (1 Peter 2:21-23)
3. Humility asserts truth not to bolster ego with control or with triumphs in debate, but as service to Christ and love to the adversary.
Love rejoices in the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:6)
What I [Jesus] tell you in the darkness, speak in the light. . . . Do not fear. (Matthew 10:27-28)
We do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Corinthians 4:5)
4. Humility knows it is dependent on grace for all knowing and believing.
What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? (1 Corinthians 4:7)
In humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. (James 1:21)
5. Humility knows it is fallible, and so considers criticism and learns from it; but also knows that God has made provision for human conviction and that he calls us to persuade others.
We see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
A wise man is he who listens to counsel. (Proverbs 12:15)
Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men. (2 Corinthians 5:11)
6. Humility is to believe in the heart and confess with the lips that our life is like a vapor, and that God decides when we die, and that God governs all our accomplishments.
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that." 16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. (James 4:13-16)
12-1-08 Adoption day !
I am so thankful for each child that God has blessed me with, and I am thankful that God has blessed me with the gift and ability to care for so much. Not that I am a perfect mom, I fail and fall short daily, and at times I get overwhelmed, but I am thankful for the strength, wisdom, patience, love, endurance, forgiveness, provision, and ALL that comes with being a mom (x8). I pray that God will find me faithful with what He has given me, and that my children will bring Him Glory!
Also, if any of you hear me tell a stranger "yes", when they ask if Daniel and Shiloh are twins, please understand that our motives are not to lie, but to avoid explaining, and making her feel as though she is in any way an outcast. To us, it is not any different that we will tell everyone that all of them, are our children, and that they are brothers and sisters.
Ps; I have so many updates, that I look forward to posting, but I have not been able to upload pictures for a long time, so when I get this problem fixed, I have many things to share with my family and friends! Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my family ! I hope this Holiday season you will take time to turn your heart and thoughts toward the one and only God, who is capable of giving you eternal life, and no matter what you are going through in this world, He can give peace and eternal security.
You Hypocrite !
Yesterday, I had to battle feelings of bitterness. Today, I am filled with love and compassion, (for others, not for myself, Christ is the one who looks upon me with love and compassion), as I examine myself as a hypocrite, and what God's word says about it.
Most often, I do not share with Cleyo the battles I face with other woman. But, I choose to tell him, because he can see that something is bothering me, and I did not want him to take it personal. Cleyo's response is exactly what God had been convicting me of all day. After sharing with Cleyo, (chatter about me), he says... I will tell you what the problem is... women talk too much! That is exactly what God had placed on my heart, as each bitter feeling would build up inside of me. Because of my lack of tongue control, I had given them something to talk about, and I too am guilty of talking about others!
There is not a U in hypocrite ! I am the hypocr-I-te ! How quick I can be to offer advice and accountability, and when the time comes, I fail.
The bitter feelings are gone as I remember advice from a sweet & wise friend about the crucifixion of Christ...
Jesus was INNOCENT, but as he was nailed to the cross, He took upon himself the punishment for all, He never defended himself, never spoke words of hate towards those who were persecuting Him, and looked upon them with love and compassion.
Word of God speak...
We can not fool God...
Job 13:9 Will it be well when He examines you ? Or will you deceive Him as one deceives man ?
Our words condemn us...
Job 15:6 Your own mouth condemns you, and not I ; And your own lips testify against you.
Holier than thou?...
Isaiah 65:5 Who say, 'keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am holier than you!' These are smoke in my nostrils, A fire that burns all day.
Clean on the outside...
Mathew 23:28 So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness
I bring judgement upon myself...
Romans 2:1 Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgement, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
Do what you say...
Romans 2:21a & 23 you, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who boast in the law, through your breaking the law, do you dishonor God?
Causing division...
Romans 16:18&19 For such men are slaves not of our Lord Christ, but of their own appetites. And by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. For the report of your obedience has reached to all; therefore I am rejoicing over you, but I want you to be wise in what is good and
innocent in what is evil.
Wisdom from above...
James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering without hypocrisy.
*The whole book of James could apply. It has much to say about the tongue. But I do not have that much time.
James 1:26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own
heart, this man's religion is worthless.
James 3:5 So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet boasts of great things. See how great a forest
is set aflame by such a small fire!
Psalm 119:124 Deal with your servant according to your lovingkindness. And teach me Your statutes.
Lord forgive me for being a hypocrite. Help me to practice quietness. Search my heart and reveal it too me. Help me forgive others, as I also need forgiveness. Fill me with Your wisdom.
Funny video
I also have to say sorry to those of you who have posted comments in the past week or so. I did not know about them until last night. Usually, the comments go to my email first, but now they are not, and are now being posted in my Dashboard. Just when I think I have the computer figured out, it changes!
Waiting to die...
She is just a dog! And she is the spunkiest and most annoying of the three.
But, watching her slowly fade, is difficult. Her body is giving out, but in her eyes, I can see so much sadness! She is mentally holding on.
Sam & Delilah, our other two, have not left her side, as if they know her fate. I even caught Delilah yelling (barking) at her, as if to tell her to fight it out.
She is just a dog!
But, I would not wish a slow death, even on a dog!
"Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns...
I pray that the Lord will keep watch over my eyes and my heart. That He will protect me from a thought turning into a desire. That he will convict me, and bring me to my knees! And praise God that his mercy and forgiveness are available, if we will humble ourselves, and go to Christ and ask for it;
Psalm 86:5~7 "For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; And give heed to the voice of my supplications! In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, for You will answer me.
Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade
Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
The journey from your mind to your hands Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand You just might be sinking
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day
Oh be careful little eyes what see Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
WARNING~~You might Laugh!
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
"Why do fools fall in love", is the theme song. This was Elijah's idea. He kept putting the hat and glasses on, and making funny faces. It was sooo funny, we all decided to do it! But, I must say it took 30 mins to talk Sheldon into doing it. I guess he is just "too cool" for his family! :} PUSH PLAY
Diana gets married, and little family history...


These next pictures are with Onorina, at my cousin Diana's wedding. The picture at the bottom, is of my cousin, Adelina. When, I got these pictures, it was so strange seeing her as this beautiful adult woman, when my memories of her , are more like the picture at the right. She was about 9 years old, and I remember sitting with her at the bottom of my grandma's stairs. She would tell me stories about the bible, always filled with joy and excitement.



Silly Cilla

We were at the Fair, of course! Now, I know most of you will not believe this next part, but it is true! As the contractions are getting stronger, and stronger, I tell Cleyo that we need to leave. But, I can not get Cleyo to stop talking to people!!! Seriously, I am telling him how much pain I am in, and he is still not hearing me. So, I do what all loving wives do, I get mean! Finally, we leave!

It was driving Cleyo crazy, that I would not go to the hospital. Teressa Pierce calls, and wants to know how I am doing. Cleyo tells her that I am refusing to go to the hospital. Teressa gets on the phone and tells me to go now!
So I listen! Why? Because their is something about Teressa, that when she told me to do something, I could not help but listen. Teressa and Daniel even came to hospital within a few minutes after we arrived.
I told the nurses that I refused to be in labor! Can I still have my c-section? They kindly tell me, "well, we have to talk to the doctor". I guess they did not want to tell me,"no"! Because, shortly after that, Priscilla arrived! Although, I did not get my way, I am thankful that the labor was quick, not easy , quick!

The name Priscilla was decided last minute. We liked the name, but it was not a name that you hear anymore. Would it be too antique for a little girl? Would people call her "prissy"? (some did) Thankfully, kids that could not pronounce her name call her Cilla, and that has stuck with her. Then came the strangers... "Oh, like Elvis & Priscilla"? NO. Like Aquila and Priscilla. Three days ago, someone asked me where I got the name. I said, it is a bible name, and went on to tell a little about them. Great conversation starter. Although, I recognized this lady from a couple weeks earlier when she stopped at my home to invite me to her church. I think she was a little surprised that I knew where it came from. I do not believe that she remembered me, but I remembered her.

"Look what we picked for you"!
Although, she was smiling in almost every picture I found of her. That is not how I remember it! She had severe colic! By the end of a day, I could not mentally focus on anything! No matter how much bouncing, rocking, or swaying I did, nothing would calm her down. And even to this day, she can be a major drama queen! (She gets it from her dad, JK, I know that I can be overly dramatic). She is also my boo-boo girl, every little scratch deserves a band aid. She also gets her stubbornness from me. She will flat out refuse to do something, and like two stubborn bulls, we will go head to head!


Unlike the four children before her, she has not had a sibling that she bonded to. I think the reason is because she spent two school years at home with me, while the kids were in school. For two summers in a row, I could not get her to play with the other kids for even five minutes, she was by my side for everything I did.
She also loves to aggravate people. (She does get that from Cleyo) Poor Elijah, everyday after Kindergarten, she would drive him crazy, make him cry, and she loved every little bit of it. And when my friend Susan would watch her, she would drive her little boy Sam crazy. When Sam's mom would tell him she was coming over to play, he would say; "Not Priscilla!" I don't know why, but their are certain kids that she loves to make them cry. She has gotten better. And she does play with the other kids now. Her and Abby also have somewhat of a bond. (only if Abby doesn't have someone else she would prefer to play with, then Priscilla is on her own). She also loves to play the Nintendo, and takes it very seriously. She has been grounded from it many times for breaking controllers. (because she slams it to the ground when she loses).



I pray Lord, that she will trust you as her Savior. I pray that you will give her a heart for others. That she will love others with an unconditional love. I pray that she will not believe the lies of this world, and that she will choose to believe that she is precious and beautiful to God. I pray for the man that You will bring into her life, I pray that he will know you as Savior, and that he will be a man of God, that he will be trustworthy, and a man of wisdom and strength. I pray for her health. I pray that you will take her strong will and stubbornness, and make use of it, to bring Glory to You! I pray that her bond with her siblings will grow closer and closer with every passing year. I give You all Praise and Glory for giving me the blessing of Priscilla.
Girls Gone Wild
It was the first National Woman's Conference, and it is called "True Woman 08, Now is the Time" ! There were 6,300 woman that attended. And, I believe they said, women from 8 other countries made the trip to attend, and some of them had to spend a $1,000, just to get to the conference. There is a link, on my blog list, if you are interested to learn more about it, or want to watch video from the conference.
There were two session times set aside on Friday, and each session had 10 to choose from. One of the sessions I attended was Girls gone wild. But, it was not the first, nor the second at the top of my list. The first two were filled before I even got there. So, now what? I thought. I do not want to fight the crowds, and keep finding them filled. Looking at my list, I decided to go to Girls gone wild, even though the title was a little thought provoking! It was held in the convention center, and that meant I was guaranteed to have a seat.
The speaker was, Mary Kassian. I really enjoyed her personality, because she told it like it was, and was confronting the issue with truth. It is so awesome how God worked it out for me to be in that class. I have to admit that I was drawn to that class, but I did not want to take it because of the title. But, God placed me there anyways.
I want to share with you some of the notes I wrote down, but that was not all that she shared, I was too slow to catch it all. If you have not read, or can not remember what Proverbs 7 says, then I recommend you open your bible, read it first, and then continue on with my notes.
The Proverbs women is described as the "wild women", (occupied with outward appearance, flaunts her body, is like a prostitute, flirtatious, forward, suggestive, brazen, and much more). I quit taking notes of the wild woman, because I wanted to focus on her points of a "WISE WOMAN".
Her physical appearance is 2nd to her spiritual appearance, Beauty of inner self, Noble character, Dresses modestly, is "Modest", is "Temperate", has "Decency", dresses femininely (clothed in fine linen, appropriate for women), Guards her dignity (no deceptive charm), Purity, Busy with personal mission, Busy with good deeds, Does not eat bread of idleness, Arms to the poor, hands to the needy, Wins her man over with Pure/Holy Behavior, Stays away from potentially compromising situations, Propriety, Worthy of Respect, Gives the enemy no opportunity, Avoids trickery/craftiness/manipulation, Not a "gossip" or a "busybody", Judicious with wise words, Influences without words, Speaks with Wisdom, Not a malicious talker, Other focused/Happy to serve, Provides food for her family, Her husband takes his seat at the city gate, "Quiet Spirit", Gentle disposition that defers to others, Gentle and Quiet Spirit~(repeat) Bible says; it is Precious in God's sight, Respects others, Affirms, Receives, and Nurtures Strength and Leadership from Worthy men, Quietness and full submission, Obeys, (like Sarah choose to be submissive to Abraham, Has Godly priorities and Joyfully fulfills her Responsibilities, Watches over the affairs of her household, Manages her home, Works with eager hands, Brings up her children, Contented (mark of Godliness), Confident in God's Plan & Provision, Put their hope in God, She can laugh at the days to come, Understands that Christ is first place, She is Dedicated to Christ, Keeps herself for Marriage, Guards the Purity & Sacredness of the Marriage bed (in her thoughts and beliefs), is "Purity", Faithful to her husband, Enjoys and Invites Sex~understands that sex is an expression of a Profound Spiritual Truth, "Coverings for her bed" (she makes it inviting), Does Not "Deny" Husband (1 Cor. 7:5), Does not wrong men, with regards to sexuality (1 Thess. 4:4-6), Values what God values, Not with gold,pearls, or expensive clothes, Dedicated to Christ, Of great worth to God, Respects and Honors men in attitude, speech, and behavior, Brings her husband GOOD and NOT HARM (when we hurt our husband, we are hurting our own household), Her husband is Respected, Honors her Commitments, Does not give in to fear, Her relationship with God, makes a difference in how she relates to men, Her Behavior is of a woman who professes to worship God (1 Tim. 2:10).
Lord, I want to be a WISE WOMAN. Search my heart, reveal my wildness, catch me when I fall, but most of all, CHANGE ME !
Elijah's response
And says; " Mom, I read what you wrote about me, and it made me cry several times".
Lord, I pray that in my everyday moments as a mom, that my children will know and believe how precious they are to me!
Something else I wanted to add in his post was a funny story on a talk between Elijah and his dad:
About a month ago, Elijah was riding home with Cleyo. So, Cleyo decided to take advantage of the alone time. Cleyo, wanting to give Elijah an opportunity to ask him any personal question that he would like to. Cleyo asks Elijah if there is anything that he wanted to know about him, or something personal that he has maybe thought about, but was too embarrassed to ask. I do not know for sure the exact way Cleyo stated it, but I know Cleyo was trying to open it up for personal questions, or maybe something that Elijah wants to know about, but doesn't get the chance because of always having siblings around. Expecting something personal, and maybe even shocking; Elijah asks, "How old were you when you got your Atari"? Cleyo answers, then tells Elijah, "Is there anything else you would like to know"? Elijah answers,"No, that's all I wanted to know".
I thank God, that his heart is still innocent.
My Gentle Giant

When I started this blog, it was mainly to keep family and friends up to date with our family. But it quickly, turned my thoughts in a different direction. I wanted to use my journal idea with this blog. Also, if something happened to me, my children will have a place to hear my heart,to know my struggles, to know that the Lord is my Salvation, that He alone is my Rock, and without Him, I am worthless! Also, to hear how I felt about being their mom, the wife to their dad, and to know it is only by the Grace of God that I made it through my childhood
So, I guess I feel the need to say, that this late birthday entry, is not because I love Elijah any less, and did not want to make the time to offer up my praises to God for his precious life. (I am also behind on Priscilla, she was in August also, and three new ones in October, so, don't be surprised, if the next four birthday entries are late). One of the many things that I don't like about myself, is that I am a "procrastinator". I will put it off, until it has to get done, and then stress out and turn into a raging maniac.

SO, to get to the reason I wanted to write this. He is the fourth of eight children. In the first picture, I believe he was two years old. In the next couple of pictures, he is pictured with his sister Abby. They were the closest we had to "terrible twins", until Shiloh and Daniel came along. Elijah is one year and three days younger than Abby. Elijah has always been in the 90% range for his height and weight, and Abby has been in the 15% range. So, every where we went, people assumed they were twins. I know this is about Elijah, but I felt the need to share the "twin bond" that they shared. What was really strange, not only was there a very close bond, and they looked a lot alike, but they got the same exact teeth in, at the same exact time. No joke! All, other than Abby's first two.

He is all boy. From the rough deep voice, the desire to play pro-football, and to the love of tools. But, at the same time, he has a big heart. He is kind and loving. He is a Giant, with a Gentle Spirit.
He is also one of the most disciplined children we have had. I do not mean that, he has a disciplined character about him. I mean that for about three years, on a daily basis, he was receiving discipline. He can be quick to anger and frustration, and loose focus on reasoning.

He gets that from Cleyo. I hate word/math problems, my mind does not move that slow. I know some of you will find this hard to believe, but I think my mind goes twice as fast as my mouth! Ok, be nice, no comments please, you can just laugh at me from your side of the screen. I don't need someone to point out my sin issues, God has been faithful to reveal those to me, and I am working at being faithful to practice obedience. Why is it people feel the need to point out yours sins to you, as if God is not capable of doing that on His own??? (I)ncluded. Sorry, off subject again! Another one of those things that bothers me about myself! I can never just get to the point!
Lord, I praise you for the blessing of Elijah. I praise you for the desire he has to know you more. I praise you for the growth we have seen in him the last two years. Disciplining him was never easy, and for many days, even years, it seemed that it there was no progress. (I wonder if God ever feels that way about us?) I ask for forgiveness, for the many times I lost my patience with him. When in my anger, I have been a bad example.
I pray that he will know You, as his Lord and Savior. I pray for his life to bring honor and joy to You. I pray that he will be a faithful and honest man. I pray that you will give him a wife, who loves You, and knows You as Lord and Savior. And even though, at this moment, he is yelling and screaming at Sheldon. I would be broken, if anything ever happened to him.

in his moments on frustration.
I pray that you will use his life to bring Glory
to You. That Elijah will have a testimony of You.
That the bond with his brothers and sisters grow closer and closer, with every passing year.
I also pray that as parents, we will raise him in a way that is pleasing to You. Give us patience and grace, as we will not always do what is right.
Elijah, I love you, and I am thankful that you are my child.
I praise God for the gift of you! I praise God for your sweet
and tender heart.
Camp Livingston
Last weekend
we had some friends over for an evening of
fellowship, and a camp-over.
Sorry ! Now, some of you cannot deny me as your friend!
I have proof !
HA ! HA!
I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did.
The fellowship was as refreshing as the crisp, cool
Autumn air.
The weather was perfect, the friends are a blessing, and the food was great !
The next morning, was the best part. Sitting by the fire, drinking coffee, waking up to good conversation, and eating a really good breakfast casserole.
Will I make this annual event? Maybe? I guess that depends if people liked it as much as I did!
Daniel's Surgery
The affect/effect of a HUG
Some of you have met Dick & Maxine Ayers at our church. And if you had the privilege to know them personally, you are blessed. I first met them in our Tuesday night life group, about six years ago. I shared with the group that I was having a hard time accepting and giving love. How uncomfortable it was to be hugged, and how it would make me feel tense. (I believe it is the effect/result of a child growing up without love being given to them).
The response I received was overwhelming. I was only asking for their prayers. But what I got instead was hugged! Did they hear me? I said I did not like to be hugged!
Words can not express how that melted my soul. How it caused me to feel love, receive love and give love.
Maxine went home to be with the Lord within this past year. But, Dick still searches me out every Sunday he is at church.
Yesterday, as I was passing through the narthex. I stopped, to wait for Dick to finish talking to someone else. I turned to his daughter, and I told her, "I better wait here, because I know Dick will search me out if I don't".
Gayle says: "I need a hug to", so I hugged her. And this is where the greatest compliment was given to me;
With tears in her eyes;
she says, "hugging you is like hugging my mom". I then told her how precious it was that she said that.
I could not wait to share with Cleyo how these words blessed me. Before I could tell him, he shares with me, that Gayle said the same thing to him, (about me) and how blessed he was to have me. (In more words than this, but I do not want to come across that I am bragging about myself, because that is not the case. I am only wanting to reveal the power of a hug).
I know the ultimate compliment I could hear from someone is that they see Jesus in me. So, I aim to be more like Jesus, in the way I show love.
To be completely honest. I tend to wear my emotions. If I am not happy, I do not want to smile, or pretend to be nice to anyone. But, God has been working on my heart. I am having a sin issue when I am behaving like that.And I need to deal with it, whether it is pride, holding a grudge, or maybe not giving mercy and grace to someone.
God has shown me mercy and grace more times than I could possibly try to count, when I have not deserved it.
Ephesians 2:3-9 says it clearly;
3.Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. 4. But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5. even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6. and raised up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7. so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9. not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Hebrews 4:16
16. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Romans 5:8
8. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
1 John 4:11
11. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Now, I know that the people who read this blog are highly intelligent, but I want to write the definition of affect and effect. So that you may consider the affect/effect you might have on those around you.
Affect~ to have an effect on; influence; produce a change in; to move or stir the emotions of; an emotion or feeling attached to an idea, in general, emotion or emotional response
Effect~ to accomplish; the power or ability to bring about results; influence or action on something; the impression produced on the mind of the observer or hearer;
How old am I ?
A male nurse is checking me in, checking my vitals, and asking information about myself. He asks," how old are you"? I say, "32", "wait, maybe I'm 33, I can't remember", he seems to find this very funny, and says, " are you serious"? So, I explain that I often forget how old I am, and I have to ask my husband at least once a year. I think the only year that I didn't question my age was when I was 30, because I was so excited about being 30. He then goes thru a few questions about my relationship at home. My thought on these questions were for woman who are in an abusive relationship, and maybe this is their chance to get help. He asks, "do you feel safe in your home", I answer, "yes". But I am laughing on the inside, because I would have loved to answer like this, " No, my house is a disaster! This is the reason I am hurt"!
The x-rays come back, the bone is broke, and the reason that I can't break it into place, (other than the fact that it is probably not the way they fix it in the first place), is because, it was not broken across like this _, it was broken like this /, right down the middle.
The doctor asks me if I work, and I say no, I just stay home with the kids. So, he tells me to stay off my feet, and walk as little as possible, until I see the foot doctor. So, in my mind I think, "yeah, right"! And anybody who knows me, sitting is not something I do very well.
I praise God that this is the first broken bone I have ever had.
He's a man now
Last night, as Elijah was getting a bath, I entered the bathroom, and noticed his underwear needed to be trashed. I said, " Elijah, your underwear need to be thrown away, they have too many holes in them". Then, Elijah agrees with me, saying; " I need to get some boxers". Then I say," why do you need boxers"? Elijah very firmly and seriously says, " Because, I am a man now. And men wear boxers".
Thank You Lord, for all the little men & women in my home.
POP ! There goes my brain !
I love having Sheldon & Grace home and home schooled. But, when you spend most of the day going in circles, the website that is critical to your schoolwork getting done is not available, and all three babies want to take turns throwing screaming fits/tantrums/and all of the above. It makes you wonder if it is easier to send them on a bus and let someone else teach them. YES!!!!!! It would be easier! And I knew that going into this!
But, at the same time, when I can catch a deep breath and ask myself, what is best for them, why did I do this in the first place, and has it made a positive difference? My answers to these lead me to the conclusion that I am doing the right thing, and I would not do it any different.
Praise God for days like these. It reminds me to be thankful for the days that go smoothly. And, what a reminder of sins that are out of control. (like the mouth) Lord, I ask for your forgiveness.
Also, if you have not noticed yet, my about me info has changed. You see, after I finally calmed down and realized the world did not come to an end, and decided to let go of the fact that "my to-do list" , for the day, would not even get 1/2 accomplished. Sheldon tells me he wants to start a blog. So I think okay, I can do this! I'll set him up, let him do the rest, and I can make dinner.
Now, my info is lost, and it will stay that way for a while, because I do not have the time to fill it out.
Oh, well !!!
Politically correct~~~NOT ME !
As a field trip, Cleyo and I, took Sheldon & Grace to the McCain rally in Dayton. We originally thought it would be such a great experience, to witness history. Little did we know how awesome it would be!!!! I don't think I could have been more excited about anyone else he could have picked for V.P.
She was so down to earth, she did not read her speech from a paper, or a teleprompter. I encourage any of you who did not get to hear it, to go to www.johnmccain.com/, and read it. Her life story is amazing. She has accomplished a lot in her life, all while having 5 children. The youngest, was born with down syndrome. She was told by doctors that she should terminate it, while she was pregnant. She refused. She said in an interview, when she looks at him, ( the baby), all she sees is perfection. She has an amazing track record in Alaska.
Cleyo could not have dragged me to something like this ten years ago. I use to hate all the fighting that came with politics. Everything was either black or white. Then there are the people who want to beat thier thoughts and views into you, until you believe what they believe.
I think because Cleyo has always had an interest in politics, it has made me more aware of how important it is to be involved and to know your facts. I appreciate Fox news so much for being "FAIR & BALANCED", and without talk radio(95.7), I would not know the truth behind all the lies and distortions you hear on the evening news.
If you only knew how many hours I spent this past week, watching the speeches on t.v., and listening to talk radio, it is not something I should be proud of.
I do not want to open this up for debate. But, I do want to encourage everyone to vote! What I have been hearing a lot from many people is , they don't like either candidate, so I guess to that I say, review the facts about both, and vote against the one who you disagree with the most. Vote and show that you care about the future of America, your children & grandchildren.
Game day !
His name means ~ happiness...

Just wanting to share Asher's absolutely, adorable pictures!
He loves putting his feet in his mouth.

He has a smile for everyone. One of the biggest
smiles you'll ever see on someone so small. He is amazing, considering issues at birth. Sure, he has the normal baby fussy spells, and if he didn't, I would be wondering what is wrong.
He is very ticklish. He giggles, and cracks up laughing even while getting a diaper change. He is now 5 1/2 monthes old. Rolling all over the place. He loves to watch the big kids. He loves to be held. And he does something that one of the older kids use to do when they were his age, when I am holding him, and I start to talk, he grabs on to my mouth and laughs, as if it is a joke to him that he doesn't want me to talk. Okay, maybe it is just one of those things, only a mom can find to be cute!

(p.s.) For those who are curious, because I have been asked alot lately, all of our adoption papers (for Shiloh & Asher), have been signed. We are now waiting for Asher's mandatory 6 month placement to be over (oct.4), and a court date. They already feel like they belong to us, but it will be reaffirming when we have it documented.
Abigail turns Nine !



