CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


The Friendly Squirrel

Cleyo's grandma has a few friendly squirrels
that take peanuts right from you, and are very intertaining.

I thought it was so cute how it would lay out on it's belly
and eat the peanuts.

Another squirrel running down the tree.

She even leaves a bowl of water out for them to drink from.

almost twin bikes for almost twin kids

Daniel & Shiloh are turning 5!
For their birthday, we got them matching Flyer bikes.

Daniel's first crash.

They loved their gifts!

Off they go........

Asher with his Flyer car, that he got for Christmas '09,
but we had to take it away, because he used it too cause way too much trouble!

My sweet "bah-by", as Asher would call her.

Sheldon & Grace tried to race us home,
but we won!