CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30




Kati said...


Anonymous said...

you don't know scary yet. just wait until your first child gets his license and you give him permission to drive somewhere by himself. you'll pray the entire time he's gone!

JanAl said...

The thought puts fear in my heart, I will have to be on my knees! So, I forsee a period of about 20 years, while they are teenagers, that I will not sleep! This is definetly a sin issue for me. I feel convicted to start praying now, not for the kids, but for myself! I pray that I will come to the place, where God is glorified in trusting in Him.
Hopefully, the video doesn't offend anyone. I have a wierd sense of humor! Also, it severly scared me the first time I watched it!

Anonymous said...

well, on the bright side, it does get a wee bit easier to let each one go. kind of depends on their personality and how much you trust them to be responsible, you know? on the other hand, i started thinking about the day when Cami is old enough to leave home and i started crying as if it were today! it's a little unsettling to realize just how much of my identity is wrapped up in being a mom.

Anonymous said...

seriously mom?
when i think of the day i am old enough to leave home i start cheering! just kidding! :)