CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


How old am I ?

Last night, as I was hurdling a box, (that I placed in the laundry room), to quickly get to the washing machine, I caught my little toe on a fan. As I moaned out loud, from the pain of stubbing a toe, I looked down and realized that my little toe was not in the same direction as the other toes, there was at least 1/2 of an inch between them. So, I yelled for Cleyo, not knowing what I should do, and a little freaked out about the new form of my toe. Thinking back to when my cousin got his nose broke in a fight, and the doctor had to break it again to put it back in place, I thought this is what the hospital will do, so I will save myself a trip. Well, that didn't work. I just caused myself more pain! (I know, I am dumb! Well, just wait, I have more on my lack of brain power). So, as the pain is getting worse, Cleyo is telling me to just go the hospital, and have it looked at. So in fear of always having a funny looking foot, I decide, that I will go. Now, this is where my brain leaves me, and has before!
A male nurse is checking me in, checking my vitals, and asking information about myself. He asks," how old are you"? I say, "32", "wait, maybe I'm 33, I can't remember", he seems to find this very funny, and says, " are you serious"? So, I explain that I often forget how old I am, and I have to ask my husband at least once a year. I think the only year that I didn't question my age was when I was 30, because I was so excited about being 30. He then goes thru a few questions about my relationship at home. My thought on these questions were for woman who are in an abusive relationship, and maybe this is their chance to get help. He asks, "do you feel safe in your home", I answer, "yes". But I am laughing on the inside, because I would have loved to answer like this, " No, my house is a disaster! This is the reason I am hurt"!
The x-rays come back, the bone is broke, and the reason that I can't break it into place, (other than the fact that it is probably not the way they fix it in the first place), is because, it was not broken across like this _, it was broken like this /, right down the middle.
The doctor asks me if I work, and I say no, I just stay home with the kids. So, he tells me to stay off my feet, and walk as little as possible, until I see the foot doctor. So, in my mind I think, "yeah, right"! And anybody who knows me, sitting is not something I do very well.
I praise God that this is the first broken bone I have ever had.


lyndie said...

janal, you crack me up- no, wait, you crack yourself up: literally!

did they give you a boot, to help protect your foot?
did you go to wayne hosp.? 'cause if so, the reason you felt like you were nuts is b/c THEY are(okay, you might be a little nuts too, but that's alright!) :P

hope your toe heals in the right direction, really quickly!
we'll miss y'all @ LIFE group this wk.

Kati said...

I'm right there with you, Janal. It was fun to be 30. 31 and 32, though, not so cool. So, did you finally remember how old you really are? (Maybe it would help to just remember your birth year--that will never change! ;)

Sorry about your broken piggy. :(

JanAl said...

kati~ 1976 is what i finally gave the guy, but i still look dumb having to do the math. by the way, i love my 30's. i know much more about myself, and i don't feel like i have to prove myself to anyone, and i care less about what people think (in my sin nature, that is still there), and more about what pleases God.for me, that is an improvement. to God be the glory, if in 10 years there is more, in 30 years from now, i'll probably be wishing i was 30 again, so why not enjoy it while it's here!

lyndie~ they gave this really cool looking shoe, haha! i let my vicaden wear off this morning, and, oh my does it hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would have never thought a broken toe would hurt like this!!!!
i just kept thinking of poor little Karis, i was at walmart and felt like screaming in front of everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

my mom was (and maybe still is) always forgetting how old she is in any given year, and i thought that was odd. now that i do the same thing, it seems very normal :p

and i can't blame it on "convenient" forgetfulness because i usually tell someone i'm a year older than i really am.

by the way, i really liked my thirties, too. my forties have been more bothersome. maybe my fifties will be more....liberating...??? (i'll let you know in a few years)

Jessi said...

So funny! i wondered where you were today! Seeing cleyo being a trooper and getting all the kids taken care of!

About the age thing...i have not been able to remember my age since i had Noah, and our wedding date, worse! things like that just don't matter to me! I would have loved to be there in the ER for that conversation ;)

~~anna~~ said...

I always remember first how old Bob is, then subtract two years for me. I can NEVER remember my age. But since Bob was born in 1950it makes it much simpler to figure out his age first....

Sorry about your toe. Hope it heals soon.

Charity said...

Hooray for the thirties, when people finally start taking you somewhat seriously! :D Man, something must be in the water around here . . . who will be the next one to break a toe?? Karis' toe was fractured the same way yours was - up and down. You 2 will have to compare your blue shoes sometime.

I think it's hilarious that a dr. would tell a mom of 8 to "stay off your feet." When I had Malachi, a nurse told me to "keep him away from young children" for at least a month. I hope your toe heals quickly - you don't have the same luxury of being babied and carried around that Karis has!

~~anna~~ said...

Weird...I posted last night but it never appeared :(

I almost always figure Bob's age first, then deduct 2 years to get mine. His is easier to figure since he was born in 1950. Since our b'days are only 1 day apart, it's very accurate.
whenever I have to use my Social Security number, I have to ask him.
AND he has his passport number memorized!
He's very handy to have around!

JanAl said...

anna~ sorry to make you post twice, it goes to my e-mail first before it gets published.

charity~ i don't know how karis is able to handle this, at times i scream, other times i cry, the pain is unbearable. the vicaden has me pukin, my mind spining, and i feel very nervous. i think i would choose labor over this! not joking!

Anonymous said...

vicadin is strong stuff. marissa couldn't handle it either after she had her wisdom teeth surgically removed. she switched to taking 3 ibuprofen alternately with 3 tylenol every 3-4 hours. you don't want to do that for very long (go back to the regular dose within a couple of days) but it's an alternative to puking.