CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Abigail turns Nine !

Yep! Another birthday! And there's still 2 more this month! As I was going thru pictures of Abby, I found it hard to pick just one! Then it was hard to not include Abby's big brother and sister.
My children have such a strong bond with
each other. With each new baby, we really didn't battle jealousy issues. They loved thier new brother/sister. They adored them. And, even though they will duke it out with each other, there is a devotion and a commitment behind it all, that is a gift from God alone. My hope and prayer for this bond, is that it will never be broken, that there will always be forgiveness thru love, and that their faith in the Lord , is what weaves them together.

Now, to get back to my Abby. The girl with the icy blue eyes. The girl who loves to wear All pink (all different shades!) She loves barbies, playing dress-up, and she loves her friends. She is the girly-girl in this house. She would wear a dress every day if we let her. She is the only child who has a "real" imaginary friend (since she was 2 years old). Her name is Kerri. We have had to save seats for Kerri at the dinner table, she has spent the night many times, she even got to go on a couple vacations with us.
Abby has a sweet and tender heart. Easily scared, she covers her eyes, and chooses to not watch things on TV that are too gruesome. She is very attached to her new brother Asher. Although, I wouldn't have guessed it, after waiting 4 weeks for him to come home from the hospital, we finally got to bring him home, Abby tells me 3 days later (after holding him for about 5 mins), that,
" he just isn't fun!" So I explained that the fun comes later, and it has! But, that is not the reason she cannot keep her hands off him, she loves him alot! I believe for the first time, she has responded to the responsibility of being the big sister.

This picture, with the baby doll, brings back funny memories of her crawling and dragging this baby doll everywhere, room to room, even though the doll was the same size as her.
As I write this tonight, she is battling with her fears of going to bed. I pray Lord you will give her peace and rest, not just tonight, but that you will cause her heart and mind to trust you, and that she has nothing to fear. Lord, I praise you for this sweet blessing of Abby.
I praise you for the joy it has brought to our lives.
I ask you Lord to protect, guide, give her a
servants heart, and most of all, I pray she will know Christ as her Savior. I also must ask forgiveness for failing to be the mother you have called me to be. I have total trust and faith, that you can take my failures, my lack of patience, or even the fact that I let everyday stress consume me. I pray you Lord you will remind me daily of the blessings around me.

This is my Abby, whom I love !


Kati said...

I just found you, Janal. Fun reading!

Charity said...

Janal! I had no idea you started a blog until you commented on mine. Now you have to take back all the things you've ever said about blogging - haha!

I had to laugh really hard because Grace's picture looked just like Daniel in feathers, and then I read Cheryl's comment. LOL! Seriously, though, I can't tell you how cool it was to read your profile and your posts; your words really touched my heart. I look forward to reading more. :-)

Anonymous said...

i didn't know you started a blog either...until i read your comment on charity's and followed the link here. i look forward to more updates, especially since it doesn't look like our schedule will allow us to be part of LIFE group for several months.

oh, and good title! what mother of young children can't relate to that?!?

Jessi said...

janal, I had no clue you had a blog. I thought you had just made a comment on charity's blog...then i found your name on kati's blog! welcome :)