CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


His name means ~ happiness...

Just wanting to share Asher's absolutely, adorable pictures!
He loves putting his feet in his mouth.

He has a smile for everyone. One of the biggest
smiles you'll ever see on someone so small. He is amazing, considering issues at birth. Sure, he has the normal baby fussy spells, and if he didn't, I would be wondering what is wrong.

He is very ticklish. He giggles, and cracks up laughing even while getting a diaper change. He is now 5 1/2 monthes old. Rolling all over the place. He loves to watch the big kids. He loves to be held. And he does something that one of the older kids use to do when they were his age, when I am holding him, and I start to talk, he grabs on to my mouth and laughs, as if it is a joke to him that he doesn't want me to talk. Okay, maybe it is just one of those things, only a mom can find to be cute!

(p.s.) For those who are curious, because I have been asked alot lately, all of our adoption papers (for Shiloh & Asher), have been signed. We are now waiting for Asher's mandatory 6 month placement to be over (oct.4), and a court date. They already feel like they belong to us, but it will be reaffirming when we have it documented.


Anonymous said...

awww, God sure has given you a big soft heart for his children, JanAl !

Kati said...

That first pic--with the feet to the mouth--that's about as precious as they come!

Praise God for the gift of Asher!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on your upcoming adoption. I know from experience how exciting it is to foster children and then finally get to adopt them. It's an awesome feeling. I just wanted you both to know that you guys are a blessing to have as friends and a great support for me as a foster parent. Shiloh and Asher don't know how lucky they are to be adopted into such a wonderful family. You guys are AWESOME! Thanks for everything you have done to help me out when Davion was going through withdrawals. Chuck thanks you too, he's just not good with words sometimes. lol Luv ya, Chuck, Jessica, Chrissy, Sammy, Haley, Katie, and Davion Runner.

JanAl said...

Thanks! I will post our adoption date, so if you would like to come, you're invited. I'm hoping to plan to go to Chuck-e-cheese in Springfield afterwards.
Tell Chuck we love him too!
He makes me laugh!!! Is he a heavy sleeper? I think it would be funny to put some make-up on him , and video tape him in the morning looking in the mirror! We could put it on u-tube. Him & his masculinity cracks me up!