CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Someday soon.....I hope

Hopefully soon I will be able to upload pictures, and then I can update my family and friends, and journal our Journey. Our wireless company is suppose to be looking into it, and fixing it. We have concluded that it is not our computer, but that it is their network. (? I do not talk/know computer language) All I know, is that it is out of my hands, until they fix it. So please be patient. (Talking to myself here). Someday soon, I hope. :}


Anonymous said...

we have contacted G-wireless several times, too. it's frustrating. on the other hand, we do have a laptop and can take it in to Bjoes. i uploaded 50 pictures there in 10 minutes or less....

Kati said...

Must be a bunch of widgets working there. :)

JanAl said...

Kati~ :} lol

Dee~ I am not sure whether to trust what they say or not, I told them that you had said that you were also having issues, and they responded as if they did not believe me, they said Todd always calls when there is a problem, and they have not heard anything from you guys. They did give me 2 months free. But soon that will not matter anymore, if I cannot use the internet the way I want to.