CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


The Face of Fun

All Aboard....... Abby, Elijah, and Priscilla's first Roller Coaster ride,
"The Adventure Express".

We went to Kings Island yesterday, with our "Gold Season Passes", a GIFT from long time friends, that hold a special place in our heart.LOL....That is my hair on the left.

Ride 2..."The Racers".
Me and my Abby-girl!
Priscilla and Daniel's first ride with dad. Shiloh started crying as soon as the boat pulled up, and said, "I want to stay with mom!" So, she did.

The looks on the their faces are priceless. They had so much fun!

This ride whips you around the corner really fast. It was their favorite!


Kati said...

I'd recognize your hair anywhere, Janal! heh heh

Awesome pics of all the kids! Looks like a blast!

lyndie said...

Good times! :) but it makes me dizzy just looking @ some of those pics...i'm getting SOOO OLD. Yosi on the other-hand LOVES to get dizzy. i'm going to keep this kinda stuff a secret from her a little while longer tho.

Charity said...

I love it!! I can't remember the last time we went to KI, but this post makes me want to go. Love the pictures!