CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Another teenager......

On Monday, Grace will be 13.
So, I am sharing a few pictures, when she just Itty-bitty.

I can not figure out how to write under the pictures, so I am just going to share my thoughts,
by numbering them:
1~I gained the most weight with Grace....40 pounds!
But it probably did not help that I was eating a whole bag of Hershey candy, almost daily! No joke!
2~She cried ALL the time!
But being only my 2nd baby, I did not know for the longest time, that she had severe colic.
(She still is very gassy, LOL)
3~She always had such a beautiful face.
4~I love this one of her on top of Cleyo. This was taken on one of our trips to California.
5~There once was a day, when Sheldon was a proud big brother.
Now....he is just annoyed by all of us! lol
6~This one captures my memory of how she use to always go up to Sheldon, while he was napping, and poke and stare at him.


Lori said...

Thanks for sharing. Love the pics!

JanAl said...

Oh Lori!
Time flies, everyone tells you that, but the older my kids get, the more real it is! :]

Nan said...

Saw this before, but didn't comment...but had to this time around...she was so adorable!

Still is!