In the beginning............
After about 15 minutes of reading and looking at history, I think to myself, "are we missing a kid?", but I think this often when we go places, then I usually take a head count, in which, all are counted for. But this time, I did not. Asher was at a friend's house, Abby had a friend with her, so I just thought maybe that is why I feel like I am missing someone. And then.....5 minutes later....I look at Cleyo, and say in a panic "Priscilla!". It just hit me all of a sudden that we did NOT have Priscilla! And I am not sure at what point we lost her. So, one of the kids say, "she was in our first picture" (which is the one above) and I ask "are you sure?", but no one knew for sure! Cleyo says look at the picture (thank God for digital cameras!) and..........she was NOT in the picture!
Even more panic sets in, it had been almost 20 minutes, I knew she was at the coat rack with us, but after that, I had no idea where she parted from us! And just so everyone knows, even though I have 8 kids, I do not have a problem with keeping track of them. :]
And we are thankful to say that we found her! She was standing at the front of the building with a staff member. As we were walking she stopped at one of those spinning coin thingies, lol, I'm not sure what to call them, but you put the coin in and watch it spin all the way to the bottom, she must have found it interesting.
This was her after we found her. She was crying and pretty upset, but happy to see us. I quickly reassured her that if I was going to get rid of her, that I would not do it there!
Although, I did ask her if she thought that we would not come back for her, because she was still upset, and she did not answer, so then I asked if she thought I would bring her there just to lose her. And told her that we would always search for her, if she got separated from us, and that brought about a big smile.
Priscilla standing in front of an Italian plane. The woodwork was beautiful!
Daniel in front of his favorite plane. But......this was him at first as Cleyo brought him closer to it, he was afraid of it.
I.F.O. (Identified flying object)
We have things flying around like this, in our Air Force!!!????
And people still believe in U.F.O.'s!!!!!!?????
The two biggest-cutest trouble makers I know!
Sheldon's favorite plane.
Grace, under a HUGE plane.
Cleyo never looks happy in the pictures, but he was. We both need to learn how to smile!
A plane that describes us........ "Restoration work in progress".
This picture cracks me up! Shiloh was chewing gum.
AND...........there always has to be one pouty kid.
The picture above Cleyo is having a talk with him about it. And the picture below.......
well...he did not want his picture taken pouting. Too bad! LOL!
*The pictures are a little dark, sorry, my camera is not the best, but hopefully I was able to share some of the fun with you!
1 comment:
arghh!!!! Sorry about the long spaces between pictures, and the wording not matching up!
I did everything to fix it, other than shoot the computer, which I was tempted to do!!!
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