CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30



If you have not RSVP'd for Jan 1st, please do so soon, that way I can get a head count for adults and children. I should have included in the invite that we are making arrangements to have childcare for nursery and a supervised room for the older children, there might not be enough room for adults and children around the tables.

I am hoping to have extra chairs set up along the wall, so that you can keep your children with you, until after the ceremony part is over, then the children will be served their meal, in those rooms, while adults enjoy a time of fellowship, games and a meal together.

And.............due to Ohio State going to the Rose Bowl, (same day and same time!), we are also trying to arrange a way to play the game, with no sound, so that anyone that wanted to catch the scores or plays here and there, will be able to............working on it..............

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