CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


What have I :)

Hmm, it has been a while......
the question is, do I re-design,
or leave it as is, soon it will be Winter anyways?
Geesh.  LOL.
I need my blogging buddies back.  :)
FB is fun for the social aspect, it has been nice to keep in contact with family and friends,
the best part is that God has allowed me to lead a few people to Christ through converstations that would have never happened outside of FB.
But, the HS drama gives me a headache.

Anyways, there are people that come to the blog world that do not come to the FB world,
and I dearly miss those people.
Seems to me, blogs are views into the heart of people, and that is where I wanna be.


Kati said...

Welcome back to blogland. Although I am not much of a contributor anymore, I still like to read! Obviously I am one of those non-FB-ers, so I'm glad to keep updated through blogs. :) Write away!

JanAl said...

I will be :)
I really want to get back to why I started this in the first place, and that was to having an ongoing journal for our kids to be able to go back to when they get older.
I wish I could be done with FB, but there are reasons I need to stay.
So many games people play on there....
I just like to be open and real, and there are few that appear to be that way, and the sad thing is that I see more open and honest non-Christians, than I see Christians being open and honest. No wonder people take issue with believers.

This is how I would sum up FB:
Mark Driscoll says "he is a nobody, telling everybody, about a Somebody"
For many on FB, it goes like this:
"a bunch of no-bod's, trying to be some-body's"

Sound to harsh?
This is just my honest conclusion.

Haha...sorry for my rant Kati!
I love and miss you!
I hope you do some posts, so that I can keep up with your family :)