CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


My of them.

Some of you know that I have a sister named "Miracle", and if you did not, now ya do! :] mom was not able or suppose to have more kids, so that is how "Miracle" got her name. But, as I get older and I am able to look deeper into the many areas of God's provision in my life, she was more than just a baby that was not suppose to be here. She was my miracle. After my grandma Emma died, my mom also died to reality. She went deep into a world of mental illness, called Schizophrenia.

The farther she got in her mental illness, the harder and more severe my beatings got, as if I was the enemy.

And then came the times when she would just drop me off in strange locations, behind gas stations, large grocery stores, just about anywhere she could pull over. I almost always got a beating first, usually it was dark because it would be nighttime, with a "hope you have a great life", said sarcastically.

She would come back for me.......but as she said, "only because your sister was crying for you!".

Miracle~ I love you and as I cry tears of thanksgiving, I am thankful that you cried out for me.
I praise God that He gave you to me! I am blessed! I LOVE YOU!


Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing, sister! I am touched and blessed and reminded of our Sovereign, wise, perfect, gracious Lord! I am grateful that in His plan, you ended up here!

Love you!

Susan Light said...

I think the real miracle is you and your testimony of how God can take anything in our lives and make us new. My heart breaks at the pain you have endured, but I rejoice in the woman God has molded you into. You are proof of His grace...thank you for sharing.

JanAl said...


God has been good to me. The physical pain is obviously gone, other than some scars that only I could point out. And He has also freed me from the emotional pain. I can ponder memories of the past, and tears will come, but they are tears of Joy, for the many, many ways that God has protected and provided.


Margaret said...

JanAl, I am continually amazed when I'm around you at the work of grace so evident in you. It's been a real joy to get to know you.