CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Our First Born is now Our First Teenager.....

Well, back in October, but again because of uploading issues, I could not post this.
What can I say, other than I am strong-willed, and if I want to do something, it will get done, even if it is late. Anyways, I hope you enjoy going back in time with me.
I also want to say, that after going through these pictures, it has made appreciate what God has done in each one of the adults that are shown in the pictures. The Lord has truly blessed this family, and Praise God for who we are in Christ, and that He has done amazing things in each of our lives.
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Kati said...


Praise God for how he grows us--kids and grown-ups alike!

Oh, and better late than never on this one, Janal! It's not like you don't have anything else to do!

Charity said...

i just have one question: why did you put Daniel's baby pics in Sheldon's album?? :D

I love that your kids have such close relationships with each other (dare I say - partners in crime???) They are all cuties.

Anonymous said...

i was thinking the same thing as, sheldon and daniel look a LOT alike!!!

love the album!

DL said...

Good pics. Sheldon, I just want you to know that after thirteen years, you are definitely my favorite Cleyo and Janal kid (except for maybe Grace, and Abby, and Elijah, and Priscilla, and Daniel, and Shiloh, and Asher). Yeah, you're definitely right up there somewhere. :)