CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Third Grade Spring Musical/Play

Elijah's role was "the dad". I was told that his outfit had to have a suit, a pair of reading glasses, a mustache, a hat, and a briefcase. I will admit that my rebellious side wanted to shock the teacher and send him in dirty/torn construction clothes, since there are not too many dads I know that leave the house in that description, but I kindly tried to meet the request with what we have at home.
Elijah told me that when he got to his room, where he had to wait for the Play to begin, that a girl from his class said "there's my man!". I told him that he is his mama's man, until we marry him off. That put a huge grin on his face.
Last year he had several girls ask him to be their boyfriend, in which he told them no, because he was not allowed to date until he was 16. He even had a girl offer him money, if he would just say yes. Ugh! Seriously!? I am sure that I do not even have to write my thoughts on that!


Unknown said...

Back to your initial statement regarding his 'outfit': Are you prejudiced against those of us who DO 'leave the house in that description'? My normal (if 'normal' and 'myself' can EVER be used in the same sentence) attire is a suit, glasses, mustache and a briefcase (I often leave the hat behind, but I HAVE been known to wear one very similar to the one Elijah wore).


Amy Mowbray said...

My nephew, Levi Cain was in the play/musical too. I didn't make it but I heard it was great.

Kati said...

At first glance of the first picture, I thought, "Oh my goodness, what a funny picture of Cleyo!" heh heh

JanAl said...

Kati~I thought the same thing. I thought "Wow, he looks like Cleyo" in these pictures. A little stockier than Cleyo was at this age. :]