CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Date nights..... need them as much as the parents do.

We had fun with some of our favorite kids, while some our favorite friends went on a date, and let me say that it was so much FUN!
First, we ate pizza bagels & chips, then we went to the park, rolled down a big hill, and then we played on the toys at the park.
Came home had vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, and then played outside some more.

The picture below is NOT photo-shopped, he really was jumping that high in the air!

Up, down................up, down...............up, down..................

hehehehehehehehehehehe............. Cleyo is just a big kid!

We'll have fun, fun, fun.....till the sun, sun, sun goes down!


Kati said...

For some reason I suddenly got the urge to go watch The Sound of Music. :)

JanAl said...

that is funny! But if you would have seen them actually coming down the hill, it was not that graceful, lol.
Some scooted, crawled, rolled sideways, dragged themself facedown or pushed themself.
It was so cute! And so funny!

btw~ we only had 8 kids, we had 3 of their kids, and our oldest 3 went dancing.

Charity said...

Those pics are awesome! i guess maybe Zeke has a future in basketball - who knew?

Thanks again for the date nite . . . and the kiddos actually SLEPT IN, which they NEVER do, so thanks for wearing them out, too!!! You guys are the best!

JanAl said...

Charity, you are very welcome!
We had fun! It went by so fast!

And the picture of Zeke came out that way, but he was not really that close to Elijah, it was an odd depth perception, but it turned out COOL, it looks like he is trying to jump over Elijah, lol. :}