CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


"I surrender all"

I have been on the phone, with the SSI office many times the past two months, and during my "very long waiting times" for a live person, there is always ONE song that they constantly replay, "I surrender all". Does anybody else find this funny? I do! But it makes me wonder, is someone there, at this government office, sharing a belief to surrender all to Christ, or is it that this song will soothe your thoughts about surrendering your money to government?
I just wonder....................... "What is their message ?"


~~anna~~ said...

So, what you're saying is that someone in the IRS appears to have a sense of humor? Or, that the IRS is now in the business of encouraging people? WOW! who would have thunk it? :)

Jenny said...

All I can do is chuckle...