CHARM is DECEPTIVE, and BEAUTY is FLEETING, but a woman who FEARS the LORD is to be PRAISED . Proverbs 31:30


Nap time for Parents

Last night, after dinner (around 7:00), I decided since our life group was canceled, to relax in my room and do some reading. After two pages, I fell asleep. Cleyo joined me in the reading time, and shortly after me, he fell asleep. Mentally and physically, it felt great! Except for the sudden screams from the backroom (mostly Priscilla). When I would wake for a moment, all I could think about is how wonderful it was to be in bed on a Tuesday evening, and getting some rest that my body was desperately needing.
Then at 9:20, Abby comes in and asks, "can we go to bed, I am really tired". So I respond, "sure, I will get up, and make sure everyone has their teeth brushed, and is ready for bed". As I come into the kitchen, the question from each kid was the same, "have you been in your room taking a nap"?
Yes, your parents are exhausted, and needed a nap.
And to my amazement, some had already got PJ's on, and brushed teeth. And as I was going to get Asher to get him ready for bed, Sheldon tells me that he already got him dressed, changed his diaper, and fed him a bottle.
WOW! What a blessing to have children willing to show their parents love, by behaving, taking care of each other, and having compassion for parents that needed some down time.
And after the nap, I was still able to go to sleep at 11:00.
Thank You Lord for naps.


Amanda said...

You have some awesome arrows, you know! You have been a wonderful example of loving service, and they are following! Praise God!

Charity said...

"Thank you Lord, for naps." Amen to that!! I took one last Sunday and it was wonderful. I love how God's provision sometimes comes from the most unexpected places (like children - wow!!).

~~anna~~ said...

You are raising some pretty incredible children with servant's hearts! But then they've had two pretty incredible parents displaying Christ's love to them!

Glad you had some time to get some extra rest, too.

Nan said...


Your post warmed my heart! I agree, you have trained up your children so well to serve others! They do it so selflessly! I notice that Sheldon is such a wonderful help with the little ones. He's so quick to see a need and fill it! He's going to make a great husband and father someday...of course, if it's in God's plan for him to marry. His wife will be astonished at his servant's heart!

Of course, the rest of your kids are great helpers too, but Shelly (as I like to call him) just takes everyone under his wing, when he's in charge. He's a sweety!

Jess said...

That's awesome that you both got a much deserved nap. I would have to agree with everyone else, you and Cleyo are doing a great job of raising your children up to serve others. Chrissy is my big helper around here and the others are learning to be. We are all works in progress.